Sunday, March 15, 2009

Library instruction

If you are an enrolled student in TAFE, you can bring your TAFE student card and borrow books and audio visual items from the TAFE library. You can borrow six books for two weeks and four video items for one week. You can renew the items twice by ring the accessments or through the internet. You also can search the library catalogue from home through the internet. The library opens from 9 am to 8 pm from monday to friday. You can return the items when the library is open. Take your TAFE card and load money on your TAFE card. You can also make photocopies or print in library. It cost twenty cents for A4 black and white copy, it costs half price for Student Association members. You can borrow books from other TAFE libraries. If you have some other questions in library, you can ask the staff in library, they will happy to help you.

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